It has been a while i din't update my blog due to the heavy homework, assignment, test and exam.....all this stuff make me going to crazy. Finally, after the final exam I can have a short break but soon the industrial training program is start.
At first, I though the industrial training should be an easy task for me....but after experience one week of working day life style, I realize my assumption is totally wrong..~.~ Working is so damn tiring . I can say 50% of tiredness from the industrial training is cause by the work,30% is from the travelling distance ( quite regret to choose such a far location to work), and 20% is come from the....unworthy allowance ( think about the allowance also make me feel tired...>.<).
Since PC Automation, the company I work is not consider a big company, loads of task in assigned to me. My role in the company is just like combination of engineer assistance + office boy + drafter + technician + programmer...=.=". Although this industrial training is very tiring and not earning any $$ for me, but it still contribute some working experience and practical engineering field knowledge to me.