Tuesday, February 16, 2010

CNY Cameron and Ipoh trip...^^

Chinese new year for every year there are just three probable situation for me only, which are either go vacation with my family to oversea, get dump at house by parents while they travel to oversea with their gang or having local trip with family (mostly is go to Cameron Highland which can consider as my second hometown...>.<). This year Chinese new year also as usual, which is went to Cameron Highland together with my family and auntie.

Since I had been Cameron Highland for more than 10 times, there are not much thing I can describe about the place. There are just as before which congested by people and car during especially at "pasar malam" at Brincang area, the same flower shop (with few new shop, but still the same for me...=.=") and the same tea farm and strawberry farm. The only thing I will never get bored with that place is the cold weather at there (although the environment there is not fresh and cold as before). When on the way return from Cameron Highland, we pass by Ipoh and visited few places there. The place I visit are the Perak cave temple and the famous pomelo street (a street famous with selling famous fruit at Ipoh-->pomela, 柚子 ) nearby there. The Perak cave temple are just fine which is a temple that build inside the cave, the interesting thing is the pomelo street there. The pomelo street grab my attention because there have some young and pretty (some only....)in almost each shop to introduce their pomelo and serve test fruit. This environment remind me of the Areca catechu(槟榔)seller, call 槟榔西施 at Taiwan, maybe Ipoh one can call 柚子西施 too....^^

Lastly, I also visited the Dong Zen temple at Jemjarom during Chinese new year. Even though the Dong Zen temple is about 30 minute travel distance from my house, but I never visited there before since it is open and this year is the first time I been there with few of my secondary school friends. Dong Zen temple is popular with its light decoration which is only available to see during Chinese new year. It is a good place for people who like to take picture to visit there but be aware to have the preparation to stuck in the traffic jam when visit there....^__^

Sunday, February 7, 2010


新的学期又开始了,转眼间这学期已经是第三年的最后一个学期了。这学期的开始也和往常一样,就带着“holiday mood”的心态,懒洋洋的回到校园生活去。如我预料的一样,其他的同屋室友也是带着和我一样的心态回到吉隆坡上学。开学的第一个星期真的还满无聊的,上课回来就是打开电脑检查facebook,去健身房,或睡觉。但是,很快的我就被我的同房的室友的染上了电视剧瘾。刚开始,他们在看电视剧时,我常会说他们很无聊和批评那视剧不好看,但过不久我也受不了诱惑而加入他们一起煲视剧( (=.=")....全都要感谢我那经常看电视剧开很大声的高才生)。让我上瘾的那两部电视剧就是我室友介绍的古怪英文电视剧“Fringe”和被剧里很废的搞笑剧情所吸引的当红台湾爱情偶像剧“海派甜心”(发现还蛮多人看着不偶像剧 ^^)

短短的三星期,我已经将“Fringe”第一季和十四集的“海派甜心”全都煲完了(“海派甜心”其实是在三天里煲完的。。。有点恐怖对吧。。。XD。即将要进入学期中考了,希望可以将剩余的电视剧在新年前煲完并诫掉这个电视剧上瘾(新年后就有中考了,老师也太不会做人了吧。。(T.T)), 不然这学期的大考成绩就一定不堪设想了吧。。。(>.<)。最后,祝大家新年快乐!!!!。。。(^__^)