Last Friday, I finally complete my last assignment for this semester which is the hardware demonstration for our group work FM transmitter. This assignment had trouble the all student of 3E and EE course due to it complexity and time costing.This assignment is difficult because it include some concept of the thing we study in the previous semester and involve hardware. For time costing is because we need to spent a lot of time searching information form books and friends...^^...beside that, we also need to spent time testing our circuit in the lab and even travel to Jalan Pasar in KL to buy electronic components for this assignment (Jalan Pasar is famous with a lot electronic components shop). For our group, we had start preparing and doing this assignment since after Chinese New Year and take almost 2 month time to complete it. When the first time our FM transmitter work, we really very happy and feel like all the burden gone in a sudden.^^( Believe me, it really work....can clearly heard our sound from the radio for a short range...LOL). Although this assignment bring quite a lot of trouble to us, but it also lead to some advantage. Through this assignment I had recognize a lot new friends because all student gather together in lab to exchange assignment information and doing lab together for assignment. Last Friday is the hardware demonstration day for our assignment, and we had successfully obtain full mark from the lecture for the hardware demonstration part.Although the hardware not completed by me and the mark of hardware is not much but I still want to thank to both my helpfull group partner which work hard for this assignment and all my beloved friends that help me complete this assignment...THANK YOU!!!...ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!!!
Since the beginning of this semester, I'm just like busy non-stop. Everyday almost spent average of 6 to 7 hour of time staying at school thank to the stupid UTAR time table arrangement. Why I say it is can imagine my time table is like 9am~11am, then 1pm to 2pm 1 hour class, then lastly maybe 3pm to 5pm will have the last class.=.="....Moreover, maybe due to the Chinese New Year holidays and others public holidays (Beginning of the year got quite a lot of holidays), I got many many extra replacement class for the whole semester.....this let me realize that short period of sweet time will bring a lot of suffer at the end...T.T. The replacement class had almost occupied all my Wednesdays rest period and Saturdays enjoy time. Furthermore, dunno since when UTAR start to implement new project that every semester student must have at least one open ended question assignment......this is really torture me most. This is just the first semester of the implement and i already can feel effect....because i got 5 subject and all subject give me total of 5 assignment which including 2 assignment is tough assignment.Other than that, all 5 subject i take this semester, got 4 subject got lab section and average each subject need pass up 2 report....and if in "sourceless condition", each report will cost me 1 whole day to complete it with my full crapping skill...XD.Last but not least, I got all midterm test crash at the last few week of the semester which is around week 9,10,11,12,13....and every one also know this few week is most of the assignment due date and also the MAXIMUM ASSIGNMENT SOURCE period....where those top student will done their assignment and release copy to the "market" This cause me in the dilemma between assignment and test which have almost same mark. At the end i choose half from both...where my assignment is just simply do...and test also "ma ma dei" only. Today is end of my last midterm test paper....I feel all the stress is just gone in all of the sudden because all the test is over and most of the report and assignment is pass up already(except the last cacat assignment that require hardware demonstration). My mood now is just like rainbow after a heavy rain....^____^