Tuesday, February 16, 2010

CNY Cameron and Ipoh trip...^^

Chinese new year for every year there are just three probable situation for me only, which are either go vacation with my family to oversea, get dump at house by parents while they travel to oversea with their gang or having local trip with family (mostly is go to Cameron Highland which can consider as my second hometown...>.<). This year Chinese new year also as usual, which is went to Cameron Highland together with my family and auntie.

Since I had been Cameron Highland for more than 10 times, there are not much thing I can describe about the place. There are just as before which congested by people and car during especially at "pasar malam" at Brincang area, the same flower shop (with few new shop, but still the same for me...=.=") and the same tea farm and strawberry farm. The only thing I will never get bored with that place is the cold weather at there (although the environment there is not fresh and cold as before). When on the way return from Cameron Highland, we pass by Ipoh and visited few places there. The place I visit are the Perak cave temple and the famous pomelo street (a street famous with selling famous fruit at Ipoh-->pomela, 柚子 ) nearby there. The Perak cave temple are just fine which is a temple that build inside the cave, the interesting thing is the pomelo street there. The pomelo street grab my attention because there have some young and pretty (some only....)in almost each shop to introduce their pomelo and serve test fruit. This environment remind me of the Areca catechu(槟榔)seller, call 槟榔西施 at Taiwan, maybe Ipoh one can call 柚子西施 too....^^

Lastly, I also visited the Dong Zen temple at Jemjarom during Chinese new year. Even though the Dong Zen temple is about 30 minute travel distance from my house, but I never visited there before since it is open and this year is the first time I been there with few of my secondary school friends. Dong Zen temple is popular with its light decoration which is only available to see during Chinese new year. It is a good place for people who like to take picture to visit there but be aware to have the preparation to stuck in the traffic jam when visit there....^__^

Sunday, February 7, 2010


新的学期又开始了,转眼间这学期已经是第三年的最后一个学期了。这学期的开始也和往常一样,就带着“holiday mood”的心态,懒洋洋的回到校园生活去。如我预料的一样,其他的同屋室友也是带着和我一样的心态回到吉隆坡上学。开学的第一个星期真的还满无聊的,上课回来就是打开电脑检查facebook,去健身房,或睡觉。但是,很快的我就被我的同房的室友的染上了电视剧瘾。刚开始,他们在看电视剧时,我常会说他们很无聊和批评那视剧不好看,但过不久我也受不了诱惑而加入他们一起煲视剧( (=.=")....全都要感谢我那经常看电视剧开很大声的高才生)。让我上瘾的那两部电视剧就是我室友介绍的古怪英文电视剧“Fringe”和被剧里很废的搞笑剧情所吸引的当红台湾爱情偶像剧“海派甜心”(发现还蛮多人看着不偶像剧 ^^)

短短的三星期,我已经将“Fringe”第一季和十四集的“海派甜心”全都煲完了(“海派甜心”其实是在三天里煲完的。。。有点恐怖对吧。。。XD。即将要进入学期中考了,希望可以将剩余的电视剧在新年前煲完并诫掉这个电视剧上瘾(新年后就有中考了,老师也太不会做人了吧。。(T.T)), 不然这学期的大考成绩就一定不堪设想了吧。。。(>.<)。最后,祝大家新年快乐!!!!。。。(^__^)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Very Tired!!!

It has been a while i din't update my blog due to the heavy homework, assignment, test and exam.....all this stuff make me going to crazy. Finally, after the final exam I can have a short break but soon the industrial training program is start.

At first, I though the industrial training should be an easy task for me....but after experience one week of working day life style, I realize my assumption is totally wrong..~.~ Working is so damn tiring . I can say 50% of tiredness from the industrial training is cause by the work,30% is from the travelling distance ( quite regret to choose such a far location to work), and 20% is come from the....unworthy allowance ( think about the allowance also make me feel tired...>.<).

Since PC Automation, the company I work is not consider a big company, loads of task in assigned to me. My role in the company is just like combination of engineer assistance + office boy + drafter + technician + programmer...=.=". Although this industrial training is very tiring and not earning any $$ for me, but it still contribute some working experience and practical engineering field knowledge to me.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Lucky Day To Watch Transformer..XD

Around two years after the first movie, the Transformer second movie:Revenge of the Fallen finally out during this week Wednesday,and I'm sure it is the movie of the year that everyone can't wait to buy ticket and go in cinema watch. Just like others, my friends and I also very like this movie and cant wait to watch this movie, so we already decide to watch this movie. We plant to watch this movie during Saturday(Today), because Wednesday is the first day of the movie release so sure cant get any ticket for the movie, Thursday and Friday we all have class until very late, therefore the final decision is Saturday and venue is Timesquare cinema. During that day, at first we plan to go there earlier morning to buy the movie ticket,but due to some problem our plan had been delayed and we reach there already 12 something afternoon. When reach Timesquare, the first thing we do is rush to the cinema to look for movie ticket and as predicted, the cinema is full with people queue up to buy ticket. We look at the ticket available screen and what we can see is just all Transformer 2 movie for all time is showing "selling fast" and keep blinking in the screen. Although the screen already shows the truth we got have high probability cant get the movie ticket, but my friends and I still wanna tried our luck. So, we faster queue up like others.....and after just around 15 people before reach us, suddenly a cinema staff coming out and holding a amplifier then shout..."all the Transformer 2 ticket from 12pm to 5pm is already sold out...and ticket after 5 pm also all left front few roll only". For instant, we feel like all the hope is gone in a sudden, but after a while one of my friends suggest to watch other movie in case really cant get trnasformer 2 movie ticket, since we already few steps to reach the ticket account. Finally, we reach the ticket counter, firstly we try out our luck to ask for transformer 2 ticket, but as predicted, the ticket seller say all the ticket had been sold out , even the premium ticket, so we start to argue at each other about which second movie we want to watch...This continue for few minute, and the ticket seller also start to lose their patience by asking us to make our decision fast. When we just about to make our decision to watch "XXX" movie, suddenly we heard the ticket seller from the left hand side of us saying "sorry, your reservation booking is unavailable because...." to a group of people and after that the ticket seller maybe see us very pity and open the reservation ticket from those guys to us. We got total 6 people, and the ticket available also 6, it just like purposely reserve for us....so we quickly buy the ticket( although I feel sorry for the group of people who get error for their booking, I feel more happy to have the chance to watch the movie...XD. The next thing we do is quickly go for our lunch(for me is lunch + breakfast)at nearest fast food restaurant "Wendys"...because all of us is already very hungry and the movie show time is just at the corner.So, at last we enjoy the 2 hours plus of Transformer 2 movie [the movie not bad, just a bit over only ;)] and dint waste our time and money travel travel to Timesquare....It is just a very lucky day for all of us...XD

Friday, June 5, 2009


一眨眼,新学期已经开学一星期了。开学的第一个星期总是整个学期里最休闲的时候,因为tutorial class 和 lab 都还没有开始。不过这学期好像没有以往那热闹了,可能因为有些朋友选择了不同时间上课,所以碰面的时间也少了。除了那学费变得比以前贵之外,学校都没有很大的改变(包括食堂那一尘不变的难吃食物)(=.="...学费起了什么都没改变。。。UTAR 真是吃钱啊!!!)。

Monday, June 1, 2009

Semester Holidays Report... :D

时间过得真快,转眼间今天已经是二十天假期的最后一天。说真的,这次假期真是清闲和少许无聊。这学期的考试试时间安排得很烂,造成考试时间拉长了而假期时间缩短了不少,所以我的大学同屋的朋友大多数考完试当天或隔天就回家乡了,也没有计划一些考试闭幕仪式的娱乐。既然没有节目,我也费时留在那充满压力和折磨的地方所以我也随着我的死党的作风那就是一考完试就赶快闪人回家。其实我并非没有为我的假期而计划,应为我早在一个月前就拼命下载很多游戏就为了在这假期期间尽情的打机疏解自己的心情。那些游戏包括 Bioshock, Spore, Dark Sector,The Last Remnant 等其他游西(本人较喜欢Bioshock,因为游戏故事还蛮精彩). 但是虽然下载了这么多的游戏, 以我这个"初级玩手"(本人还没有到达"职业玩手"的水准...不像我的同屋housemate...LOL) 的能力也只能玩完几个游戏而已. 除此之外, 我也抽空将我将近一个学期没有打扫得房间整理一番...包括将那些散到满桌的Note处理掉(虽说处理掉, 但也只是堆积起来放进抽屉...始终对自己的成绩没有信心...丢了的话,哪怕考不好还要用到就没救了. 假期也当然少不了去戏院看戏, 这假期我只和家人去戏院看了一步戏,那就是"Terminator Salvation"(为什么是这部戏, 因为本大爷的老爸可是有追这部戏的哦), 但这部戏但也只是"还好"而已,没有以往的那么刺激. 最后,假期的最后一个礼拜当然难道成绩公布的这个难关, 这次的成绩只能"出乎意料"来形容...因为有些科目比预料中来的好, 有些就相反...但体整来说算错啦..(虽然还是有点不甘心就是了)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hooray!!! and Thank You!!!

Last Friday, I finally complete my last assignment for this semester which is the hardware demonstration for our group work FM transmitter. This assignment had trouble the all student of 3E and EE course due to it complexity and time costing.This assignment is difficult because it include some concept of the thing we study in the previous semester and involve hardware. For time costing is because we need to spent a lot of time searching information form books and friends...^^...beside that, we also need to spent time testing our circuit in the lab and even travel to Jalan Pasar in KL to buy electronic components for this assignment (Jalan Pasar is famous with a lot electronic components shop). For our group, we had start preparing and doing this assignment since after Chinese New Year and take almost 2 month time to complete it. When the first time our FM transmitter work, we really very happy and feel like all the burden gone in a sudden.^^( Believe me, it really work....can clearly heard our sound from the radio for a short range...LOL). Although this assignment bring quite a lot of trouble to us, but it also lead to some advantage. Through this assignment I had recognize a lot new friends because all student gather together in lab to exchange assignment information and doing lab together for assignment. Last Friday is the hardware demonstration day for our assignment, and we had successfully obtain full mark from the lecture for the hardware demonstration part.Although the hardware not completed by me and the mark of hardware is not much but I still want to thank to both my helpfull group partner which work hard for this assignment and all my beloved friends that help me complete this assignment...THANK YOU!!!...ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!!!